
Welcome to the Features Section! This is where you will find technical documentation relating to features and systems in Jeff-3. Feature documentation is meant to provide a high level, engine agnostic overview of a system or feature, as well as engine specific implementation resources and explanations.

This page condenses useful information for writing a documentation page.

Writing a Docs Page

All documentation pages are represented in markdown. In each page, there is a header that contains the following information:

title: # The Title of the Page
tags: [ExampleTag] # Tags that should be included (Can be commented out)
type: # Whether the Feature is a Component, Entity, or System
summary: "Example Summary" # a sentence describing the page
keywords: doc
sidebar: # Defines a custom sidebar- left Blank if you wish to use the default
permalink: examplepage.html # The html file that is created when the site is compiled
folder: documentation # The folder containing the relevant markdown file

Follow the formatting outlined here when writing your document, and refer to this for Markdown syntax.

In order for you page to appear in the sidebar, the following must be included in “home_sidebar.yaml” in the “/_data/sidebars” folder:

- title: # the title of the page displayed in the sidebar
  url: # the name of the link defined in the "permalink:" section of the page
  output: web

url: and output: must be indented two spaces.

Creating a Note

If you’d like to create the following on a page or section:

it can be accomplished with inserting the following line where you would like the note:

{% include note.html content="An Example Note" %}

Creating a Tag

Creating a Tag requires creating a new Markdown page in the “tags” folder, with the following:

title: # Title of the page
tagName: # name of the tag, used in the "tag:" section of a doc page header
search: exclude # whether to include or exclude from site search results- leave as exclude if unsure
permalink: # the address the tag will be stored as (refer to tag_template.md for example)
sidebar: # defines a custom sidebar- blank is default
folder: tags # folder the tag markdown resides in- leave as "tags"

{% include taglogic.html %}

{% include links.html %}

Further Resources

Refer to this page for more information about this theme and Jekyll.