Template for how to document a system


A List or Description of objects, components, plugins, or other dependencies that must be present for correct functionality, Eg. Rigidbody and Collider.

Give a brief description for what a dependency is required for if the dependency is a library or plugin.


Description of the properties and goals of the system or feature.

Describe what the system does, and high level information of how the system functions.


Description of how a system should be structured. (Optional)

Describe necessary Objects and Subcomponents that my need to be created, as well as relevant Design Patterns and their use, and conventions to keep in mind.

Create and include a diagram if describing a complex system. (Optional)

Psuedocode / Code Snippets (Optional)

Description of system implementation in pseudocode.

May be useful when talking about an abstract system or concept.

// This is an example function that prints D string depending on the input bool
public static void Example(bool isExample) {
    if (isExample) {
        print("this is an example!");
    else {
        print("this is not an example");

Use Case / Examples

A description of how a system could/should be used.

Examples of use case should be included if the system requires input or manipulation by the user, or if meant to be extended.